Saturday, December 10, 2016

Lupus erythematosus Subacute

This looks a florid red non scaly rash. It could be many conditions including drug and viral exanthems. However the distribution of the rash helps narrow the diagnoses and suggest others. This rash was mainly on sun exposed areas, outer arms, V of the neck, lower legs below the dress line, sides of the face with sparing behind the ears. A photo distribution like this suggests a photo drug reaction particularly to thiazide diuretics or oral tetracyclines but also brings diseases such as lupus erythematosus into consideration. Discoid lupus is seen in sun exposed areas but is red and scaly. The red non scaly variants of lupus are either subacute or systemic. This patient had subacute lupus with positive ANAs and ENAs particularly the photo inducing Ro antibodies. A skin biopsy can help but the positive antibodies really make the diagnosis in the correct clinical setting. Treatment is sun protection with clothing and sunscreens, topical steroid creams and hydroxychloroquine until the rash settles.