Sunday, July 16, 2017

Melanoma scalp

Hairy scalps are generally difficult areas to examine for skin cancers but you should at least examine the scalp margin, particularly over the forehead. As hair lines recede these areas are prone to solar keratoses, SCC in situ and basal cell carcinomas. Melanomas are less common and may be confused with pigmented seborrheic keratoses which are also commonly found at the scalp margin. With the fashion for close cropped hair in males it becomes easier to examine the hairy scalp but it also means these patients are not getting the solar protection from their hair that they once enjoyed! The patient above had just had a close side haircut which made this lesion more easily seen and diagnosed. It was still a thin, 0.3mm melanoma which was subsequently excised with 1 cm margins. The prognosis is excellent as is usually the case when melanomas are diagnosed early. However you will not find them if you don’t look!